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Living Abroad: Tips for a Successful Transition

Jul 24, 2024 by Vreny Blanco · 6 min read · Remote Work, Focus

Woman on snow smiling
Image with permission from Vreny Blanco

Moving to a new country can be both exciting and challenging. After living in Germany for 10 years, I’ve gained some valuable insights that can help anyone looking to make a successful transition.

These tips helped me integrate into Germany, but they are general strategies that will assist you in making it abroad, regardless of the country you move to.

Here are my tips:

1. Learn the Language

This may sound obvious, but it can be tricky since many people around the world speak English. Depending on the country, you may find a rich variety of cultures and even friends from your own town, making it even more challenging to practice the local language.

Knowing the local language will make your daily life easier and help you find the right job. Consider enrolling in a language course or using language learning apps to get started.

Attending language exchange meetings is a fun way to meet new people and learn the local language. At these events, you can find people who want to learn your native language while you practice speaking theirs.

Another helpful strategy is to watch movies with subtitles in your preferred language to get used to the sounds and expressions.

2. Learn About the Culture

Get to know the customs, traditions, and social norms. This will help you fit in and be accepted by the locals.

Participating in local festivals and holidays can be a fun way to immerse yourself in the culture.

3. Find New Hobbies and Get Involved

Engaging in activities is a great way to meet new people and become part of the community. Whether you’re into sports, dancing, arts, or volunteering, these activities can help you build a social network.

4. Make Friends

To avoid social isolation and protect your mental health, it is important to build a social network. Join clubs, attend meetups, or participate in community events to meet new people.

Be proactive. Do not wait for people to approach you or talk to you. If you are friendly and respectful, the effort will always be appreciated. If you are afraid of rejection, participate in activities designed to meet people: join a fitness class or sports team, a student organization, or a dance class. If you’re a student, consider applying for student housing or a shared apartment.

Make friends with locals. While it is easy to stick to what you know and only interact with people from your country (or those who speak your language), a great way to integrate is to have a circle of friends from the new country you are in. The effort to integrate is always worth it, even if you are not yet fluent in the new language.

If you are open to talking to new people, you will be amazed at the new connections you can make. Friendships will not only make your life more enjoyable but also provide support when you need it. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to new people.

5. Be Yourself

Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to fit in. Germans value honesty and straightforwardness. Being genuine will help you build more meaningful relationships and earn the respect of those around you.

6. Be on Time

Punctuality is highly valued in Germany. Whether it’s a social gathering or a business meeting, always try to be on time. It shows respect and reliability.

Being late can be seen as disrespectful, so plan your schedule accordingly to avoid any mishaps.

7. Study and Work Hard

Germany has a strong work ethic. Whether you’re studying or working, put in your best effort. This will earn you respect and open up more opportunities.

Dedication and hard work are always rewarded, so stay focused and committed to your goals.

8. Maintain Professional Boundaries

While it’s important to be friendly with coworkers, avoid getting too personal. Maintain a professional demeanor to ensure a healthy work environment. This balance will help you build respectful and productive relationships with your colleagues.

9. Do Not Take Criticism Personally

Constructive criticism is part of the culture. Use it as an opportunity to improve rather than take it to heart. Germans tend to be direct, so try to see feedback as a tool for personal and professional growth.

10. Respect Opinions and Be Open to Learning

Respect other people’s opinions and be open to learning from everyone. This will help you grow and adapt more easily to your new environment. Engaging in open-minded discussions can broaden your perspective and enhance your experience.

11. Improve Home Lighting

The change of seasons can be challenging. Invest in good home lighting to combat the darker months and maintain a positive mood. Consider using daylight bulbs to simulate natural light and keep your spirits up.

In the summer, it is definitely worth getting some curtains for the windows to keep your bedroom dark at night and avoid waking up to the sun in the early hours. Using light-blocking or blackout curtains can help. Another simple option is to get a sleep mask.

12. Keep It Quiet

In general, you should avoid listening to loud music on the bus or train. Use headphones and keep the music to yourself. The same applies in some public places and in buildings after 10 p.m.

Learn these rules to avoid getting into trouble unnecessarily. Being mindful of noise levels shows respect for those around you.

13. Be Organized and Have a Routine

Germans are known for their organizational skills. Develop a routine and stay organized to effectively manage your time and responsibilities. Using planners or digital calendars can help you keep track of your tasks and appointments.

14. It Is Okay to Say No

Don’t feel obligated to say yes to everything. Especially when starting a new job, it can be tempting to agree to every extra task or put in extra hours to impress your superiors.

It’s perfectly acceptable to decline invitations or requests if you don’t feel comfortable. Setting boundaries is important for your well-being.

15. Take Care of Your Mental Health

Moving to a new country can be stressful. Make sure to take care of your mental health by seeking support when needed. Whether it’s talking to a friend, joining a support group, or seeking professional help, prioritize your mental well-being.

16. Integrate Sport Into Your Routine

Germans love going for long walks or swimming in the summer. Incorporating physical activity into your routine can help you stay healthy and meet new people.

Consider joining a local sports club or gym class, or taking up a new outdoor activity.


There you have it! These are simple tips and strategies to follow in any country. Start by learning the language and the culture, and don’t forget to stay true to yourself and work hard to achieve your goals.

It might be challenging, but with perseverance and patience, you can make any country your new home.

Further Reading

To gain more insights into working abroad, explore our Remote Work category.

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