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Using Technology to Improve Elderly Parent Care

Oct 2, 2024 by Vreny Blanco · 5 min read · Mental Health, Wellness

Nurse holding hands of an older adult
Image by freepik

Caring for aging parents can be a challenging and emotionally draining responsibility. As our parents age, they often require more attention, medical care, and daily assistance.

Fortunately, modern technology offers a number of solutions that can make this task more manageable. From emergency response systems to smart home devices, technology can provide peace of mind and improve the quality of life for both caregivers and their elderly loved ones.

In this article, we explore several technological tools and innovations that can help you care for your elderly parents, ensuring their safety and well-being while giving you the necessary peace of mind to maintain your own mental health and daily routine.

Strategies to Alleviate the Constant Worry of Caring for a Loved One

After blocking social media on my phone and computer, I found that family news via WhatsApp became my new distraction. My elderly parents require constant medical and general care, which made me feel like I had to be available at all times. This constant state of alertness became problematic; I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep or even enjoy a yoga class. I was always anxious that I might miss an emergency call.

When this worry started to affect my work performance, I realized that I couldn’t prevent emergencies from happening. I needed a better plan to manage my responsibilities and my mental health.

Here are the steps my siblings and I took, which immediately improved everyone’s quality of life:

Weekly Assistance

To ensure my parents receive the regular support they need, we arranged for weekly assistance through a professional caregiving company. This service provides a dedicated caregiver who accompanies my parents to each doctor’s appointment and assists with daily tasks such as grocery shopping.

Emergency Response System

We installed an emergency response system in my parents’ home to handle any urgent medical situations. One of my parents now wears an emergency alert bracelet. In the event of an emergency, such as a fall or sudden illness, they can simply press a button to call an ambulance immediately. This system gives us peace of mind, knowing that help is just a push of a button away.

Digital Calendar

To improve communication and coordination, I have shared my work and fitness schedule with my parents so they know when I will be unavailable. I also created a “family” calendar on Google where I enter all of their doctor’s appointments. This calendar sends notifications and reminders to everyone involved, so we can plan ahead and ensure that someone will be available to accompany them.

Location App

To ensure my parents’ safety and provide timely assistance, we installed a location tracking app on my mom’s phone. This app allows us to know their whereabouts at all times.

If they go out and are unsure which bus to take or how to get to a certain place, we can easily check their location and guide them in real time. This feature has been invaluable in giving them and us a sense of security and peace of mind.

Smart Assistants

My father is visually impaired, so we looked for ways to improve his quality of life through technology, which led us to install smart assistants like Alexa and Google Home.

These assistants are voice-activated and allow him to request news, sports, literature, audiobooks, weather updates, recipes, music, radio stations, and more. Additionally, Alexa is programmed to remind him to take his medications, helping him stay on track with his health regimen.

3D Games for Visual Impairments

We discovered an amazing set of 3D-printed games specifically designed for people with visual impairments.

If you know someone who might benefit from this kind of game, I highly recommend checking out Taktile Spiele by Tobias Wolfsteiner. Tobias is a special education teacher who studied Education for the Blind and Hearing Impaired.

Tobias’s games have completely transformed my father’s life. They provide him with engaging activities that he can enjoy either with us or on his own. These games keep him entertained and, most importantly, mentally stimulated, which is crucial for preventing cognitive decline that often comes with age. His favorite game is Sudoku.

Since implementing all these measures, I have been able to concentrate better at work, sleep better, and enjoy my yoga classes and fitness routine at the gym, not to mention my holidays.


Incorporating technology into the care of your elderly parents can be a real asset, providing both practical solutions and emotional relief.

If you find yourself constantly worrying about your parents, children, or a loved one with special needs, consider how technology can be a game-changer. There are many innovative solutions out there that can make life easier for everyone involved. By leveraging these tools, you can ensure that your loved ones are well taken care of while also giving yourself some much-needed peace of mind.

Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your loved ones. Use the technology at your disposal to create a balanced, fulfilling life.

Further Reading

You may also like: Home Office Hacks: How to Use Technology to Your Advantage.

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